Life is about change. Some changes are big, some are small. In the past month, I have had a new change in my life. My last child living at home moved out to be on her own. Now for you without children, you may think, so... you now have more freedom, more time...
You are suddenly also now old. There are three stages in a woman's life, the maiden, the mother, the crone.... I am now the crone...The word crone once meant simply 'wise woman' and, in antiquity, was a term of respect. Now a days is means simply you are old! I do not feel old! I look in the mirror and go ahhhhg! who the #@%*^# is that?
So time marches on, you clean the house,change the bedrooms into guest rooms, pick yourself up and go on....and wonder, as an artist how this is going to change my work. Every year I grow, my art grows. Something major happens, the art changes. That is because the art is me. I change, my art changes. It will be interesting to see the way I go now.
Does this cloud look like a dragon to you?