What inspires my art? What inspires You? Do you even know? There are things I think about, that I am passionate about. My love for animals, nature,
the way light reflects on a leaf.
Find your passion and do something with it.
Not necessarily creating art, but creating thinking minds, teaching, learning.
One of the things I do....
One of my passions..(besides creating and painting)
I am a volunteer dog trainer.
I love it. I am helping dogs become better pets, but more importantly I am helping people understand their dogs and become better owners.
Often, my job is more about playing human psychologist rather than dog trainer.
Along with my passion for training dogs comes my passion for educating their humans. It is far easier to train the human than to try and rehabilitate a dog that has been abused or neglected.
There is nothing better than seeing a former student in a higher level of class, still working on his training and knowledge. Knowing I might have helped get him there.Knowing that my knowledge of dog behavior combined with my love for teaching may save the life of one dog. That makes it all worthwhile.

- What is it that you like to do for its own sake, without any concern for reward or compliment? Do you like the joy of building things? Do you like to just create music? Do you like to teach? Do you like the challenge of watching your thoughts in action?
- If you won the lottery, I mean the really, really big one how would you like to spend the rest of your life?
- If you were informed you are about to die shortly, what would you regret most as not having spent your time doing?
- No matter where on Earth you are. In a rich, first world country, in the bush lands of Australia or high up in a Himalayan village what do you see yourself doing regardless of location?
- What activity do you always find yourself coming back to throughout your life?
- What activity can you just not see yourself doing without?