Monday, November 24, 2008

New Day

"Day, n. A period of twenty-four hours, mostly misspent." ~Ambrose Bierce

What a weekend. Two day outdoor shows are always tough. First you have to pack up everything carefully, load the car, get up a 4 am,drive to the site, set up tent in the cold dark morning (It was cold for Florida, 39 degrees!!!). The unpack everything, set it all up to look nice and wait for the buyers. In the evening, I take everything dowm but the tent, pack it all up, and do it again in the morning. Today is Monday and time to start anew. That was my last show of the year, no I get to work on all of the wonderful custom orders I received over the weekend (19!!!!). I have to unload the car, put everything back in is spot until next year,make a run to go get more porcelain from a pottery supply place in Orlando, worry about Thanksgiving dinner, like when I am going to go shopping for it, and the kids are wondering when I am going to start decorating for Christmas. It will all happen I just have to relax, go with the flow, and try to get organized!
I just need to remember - stop and smell the roses, watch a bird fly into the sunset, hug my dog, give thanks.

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