Life's little questions
Your turn for anyone who cares to answer these publicly...
Where is your mobile phone? no idea...
Where is your significant other? work?
Your hair color? semi- Fake
Favorite Song? too many,
Your favorite thing? reading
Your dream last night? something to do with cats
Your dream goal? to support myself in my art
The room you’re in? studio
Your hobby? Movies, dog training
Lost a loved one? yes, a brother
Where were you last night? Home
What you’re not? social
Been in a movie ? no
Sung a solo -yes, many times
The last thing you did? took a shower
What are you wearing? sweatshirt/jeans
Your TV? Dusty
Your pets? dogs, sleeping, cats underchair fighting, bird eatiing
Your computer? is on
Strangest place you have ever...not telling
Gone line dancing? never
Run a Marathon? get real
Visited Paris? only in my dreams
Your car? in the driveway
Something you’re not wearing? Jewelry
Favorite shop? internet
Watched lightening at sea? yes
Love someone? Many
Been in Jail? nope
Favorite Magical Place? Maitland Art Center Chapel
Your favorite color? Purple
Your favorite Book? Mary Stewert's Merlin Trilogy
Favorite Movie? Lord of the Rings
Grown my own vegetables? yes
Broken a bone? my nose
Saved a favorite childhood toy? a stuffed animal
Been transported in an ambulance? Not that I can recall
Kissed in the rain? can't remember, so probably not
Started a blog? well duh.
This was so cool Pamela! Loved reading about you!♥
Mom is smiling!
She said she enjoyed reading these!
Our answer is PURPLE too!
PeeEssWoo: And some of the others are making her have that 'grinny memory' face!
Hmmmmmm, we just might have to make Mom try this one. Or maybe she will make one of us do it.
Thanks for signing our guestbook. We love looking at your blog.
Woos, the OP Pack
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